Trip Planning

Common Adventure Trip Planning Instructions

SAC funds members to undertake group trips to pursue objectives of trip members’ choice. Please see the sections below for what types of trips qualify for funding and how to submit forms for funding.

Trip funding structure

Trip requirements

SAC-funded trips must adhere to the following guidelines:

What expenses can SAC fund?

If a trip meets the above criteria, SAC is able to reimburse trip expenses for the following items:

What expenses is SAC unable to fund?

We are unable to fund expenses related to:

How do I secure funding from SAC?

Funding is distributed via reimbursement for qualified expenses. To secure this reimbursement, complete the following steps in accordance with the timing requirements listed below:

Timing requirements:

Yosemite Campsites

SAC members book campsites and offer them for shared use by club members. You can read more information (including instructions on how to sign-up) here.