Get Involved
SAC Members are part of one of the most vibrant college climbing clubs in the country. Benefits of membership include:
Go out on Common Adventure trips, including getting access to club-rented campsites in Yosemite and Tuolumne on weekends in the Spring, and Fall.
SAC members e-mail list (see below): get cool announcements first. Common Adventure trips will only be announced here.
Monday night members-only climbing practice at the Stanford climbing wall
Members-only clinics hosted by the the Outdoor Center
Discounted entry into our hosting of the Reel Rock Film Tour
2024-2025 Membership Instructions:
Pay $25 dues on ASSU epay. If joining SAC is cost prohibitive, contact Doug ( for an exemption.
ONLY IF YOU ARE A STUDENT (undergrad, grad, JD, MBA, MD, etc.): Register on DSE.
Hit 'Registration' under the 'Alpine' widget
Complete SAC's google form.
This step is required to get on club's listserv and google drive
You're done! Please give officers a week to verify membership and add you to the listserv/drive. We're busy students, too ;)
Discounted dues are available for Alpine Club Officers and instructors/leaders from other outdoor organizations (OEP, Redwood, etc.). Dues can be completely waived in the event that they will cause a substantial financial hardship for the member.
What your dues do:
Pay campsite fees for weekly club campsites in Yosemite Valley and Tuolumne Meadows
Subsidize official club common adventure trips
Pay for professional athletes and guides to come to Stanford and give awesome presentations on their achievements and host clinics!
Listserv Emails This e-mail list is restricted to SAC members only, and is used to find climbing partners within the group that are eligible for club-subsidized Common Adventure Trips. You must sign up as instructed above to be added to the the listserv. is open to anyone. All public Alpine Club announcements (screenings, guest speaker events, etc) are posted to it. To subscribe or unsubscribe, visit the mailman page: is for folks who are not active SAC members but would like to receive announcements of major events.
50s/60s/70s SAC alumni list is used to announce reunions and events. Contact Irene Beardsley to join. Exhibit on SAC history.
Weekly Practices
Practices are held Monday 9-10:45pm at the AOERC Climbing Wall. Meet other SAC climbers, initiate/plan Common Adventure trips, and build a community of adventure partners.
Other Events
We periodically host professional climbers, organize film screenings, etc. that are open to the public. Find out about these events by checking the website homepage and/or subscribing to our mailing lists.
SAC now has an instagram! (@stanfordalpineclub) and YOU can submit pictures from recent trips to be highlighted on it! Please submit pictures and a caption (plus tags if desired) and it may be posted for the world to see!
SAC trips follow the "Common Adventure" model. Our trips do not have formal leaders or guides, rather all trip participants will cooperatively plan trips and share in the work of making the trip fun, safe, and successful. The SAC leadership initiates a few trips per year that are beginner-friendly and aimed to get new members connected with more experienced alpine enthusiasts.
Common Adventure trips of all skill levels can be initiated by any club member by posting to the club email list. (Hint: weekly socials are also a great place to informally survey member interest and get started with planning trips!)
Past Meetings
Check out our historical website for an archive of past events.